I discovered today that VMWare vSphere Client Version 4.0.0 Build 162856 running on Windows 2003 32bit does not like the screen to be in portrait mode. I witnessed some very strange behavior where regardless of what IP I plugged in (even and any made up credentials), the client would show “Connecting…” and the spinning icon would appear and the go away, username and password boxes would grey out, and it would proceed to hang. Any mouse input would cause windows to append (Not Responding) in the title bar. I finally did get it to connect to one of my servers, but some text labels were missing text. I tried rebooting, updating windows update, etc. The missing labels clued me into perhaps a problem with the video so I rotated my screen back to standard landscape mode and poof, problem solved. Very odd!
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Well how did you place virtual machine in portrait in first place. I have been cracking my head for a while. Please help
My physical desktop had the monitor configured in portrait mode. My VMs were not in portrait mode. The vSphere client just wouldn’t co-operate. I haven’t used portrait mode in a while so I don’t know if this was resolved.